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Roller System

Shelving technical features with carton flow raching 

1. Ability to be used in production and assembly line.
2. Loading is done manually.
3. This shelving is composed of bolt and nut frames, horizontal beams with connector and sliding layer, their depth and heights can be changed.
4. The useful spaces of every wheel from each other is 8 mm.
5. The spaces of rails from each other (center to center) is changeable by the customer's request.
6. All wheels are installed on a separate rail by a metal shaft so there is no need to clinch them.
7. Replacement of wheel and malformed rail is done in the least time.
8. All wheels are circling with an constant speed.
9. All wheels are installed in a main rail.
10. The quality of all wheels and secondary rails is ABS and all main rails material is aluminum and supports are ST37 sheet.
11. All sections in the system frame is bolt and nut also with the ability of increasing and decreasing the spaces in the least time.
12. All upright sections are roll forming in order to increase the strength.
13. The beams have 3 or 4 nail connetor.

Roller System
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